Pharmacie du Petit Champ

Aline Derideau is the manager and owner of the Pharmacie du Petit Champ in Obaix. The project was to have a professional website in addition to Facebook, listing all the pharmacy's services and specialities.


The first phase of the project was to establish a design that accurately represented the pharmacy's image. It had to be user-friendly and easy to use for the visitor. Aline also needed a tool to easily manage the addition and removal of pages describing the specialities and services. She also wanted to be able to display promotions for some of these products on the front page. Finally, its website needed to be connected to Messenger so that patients could ask their questions directly.


Once again, the solution we have chosen is a CMS entirely designed to make the website easy to use. It has been simplified as much as possible so that not a second is wasted in publishing on the website. The React framework was used for the visual part. For the control part, the PHP Laravel framework was the logical choice.


The result of this project is a professional website, built from scratch, which is both modern and easy to use. It is the Pharmacy's web shop window to improve referencing alongside a Facebook approach.