Restaurant La Confluence

Thierry Bachez is the managing partner of La Confluence in Namur. Like other restaurant owners in Namur, he is faced with the problem of recruitment. He says it's very difficult to find qualified and motivated staff these days. So, the idea of digitalizing part of his menu was born.


Creating a user-friendly solution for managers, waiters and customers was the hardest part. Everyone had to be able to connect to it virtually at the same time and from several locations. Finally, keeping the design simple, functional and elegant was the icing on the cake. Applying the agile method enabled us to move forward relatively quickly to have a solution that was perfected for all the stakeholders.


A QR code menu connected to the printers saving time with each order. Each item is created in the database and sorted according to the restaurant's operationality. You can choose to send meals directly to the kitchen, for example.


The result of this project is an average saving of 3 minutes for each order placed on the terrace. Deployed on 12 tables, this represents no less than 40 daily tickets. The waiters save unnecessary trips back and forth and can serve customers better.